Ford Escort Service and Repair Manual

Routine maintenance and servicin

See also:

Boot lid (Saloon models) - removal and refitting
Removal 1 Open the boot lid, and place protective covers (old rags or cardboard) beneath the corners of the lid, and over the rear wings to prevent damage to the paintwork. 2 Where applicable, di ...

Bonnet lock - removal and refitting
Removal 1 Extract the three securing screws from the lock and lower it until the cable can be disconnected. 2 Withdraw the lock from below the top rail. Refitting 3 Refit by reversing the remova ...

Distributor components (CVH models) - removal and refitting
1 The distributor fitted to the CVH engine is unlike any conventional distributor, in that it has no main body and no adjustments are possible. The distributor is used purely to distribute HT volt ...

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