Ford Sierra
The Ford Sierra was a large family car built by Ford Europe between 1982 and 1993.
See also:
Cooling, heating and ventilation systems
The cooling system is of the pressurised pump-assisted thermo-syphon
type. The system consists of the radiator, water pump, thermostat, electric
cooling fan, expansion tank and associated hoses. ...
Battery - testing and charging
Note: Refer to the precautions at the end of
Section 1 before proceeding.
Standard and low maintenance
battery - testing
1 If the car covers a small annual mileage it is
worthwhile checking the s ...
Carburettor overhaul - general information
Faults with the carburettor are usually
associated with dirt entering the float
chamber and blocking the jets, causing a
weak mixture or power failure within a certain
engine speed range. If this ...