Bonnet release cable - removal and refitting
1 Working inside the vehicle, extract the three
screws and remove the steering column
shroud. Open the bonnet. If the cable is broken,
the release latch must be operated using a
suitably shaped bar through the grille aperture.
2 Extract the single screw and remove the cable bracket from the steering column.
3 Working within the engine compartment, pull the cable grommet from the bonnet latch bracket and then disengage the cable end fitting from the latch (see illustration).
8.3 Bonnet cable attachment at latch and bracket (arrowed)
4 Unclip the cable from the side of the engine compartment.
5 Withdraw the cable through the engine compartment rear bulkhead into the vehicle interior.
6 Refitting is a reversal of removal.
See also:
Cylinder head - removal and refitting (engine in vehicle)
Note: Refer to the note at the beginning of
Section 20 before proceeding.
1.8 litre (R2A type)
1 Disconnect the battery negative lead.
2 Drain the cooling system.
3 Disconnect the heater ...
Fuel-injection control module - removal and refitting
1 The fuel-injection control module is only
used on KE-Jetronic systems and is located in
the engine compartment behind the heater
plenum chamber and fan motor.
2 Disconnect the battery n ...
Service recommendations
To help you service your vehicle:
We highlight do-it-yourself items in the engine compartment for easy
We provide a scheduled maintenance guide which makes tracking
routine service ...