Crankshaft front oil seal - renewal
1 Disconnect the battery negative lead.
2 Slacken the alternator mounting and adjuster bolts and after pushing the alternator in towards the engine, slip off the drivebelt.
3 Unscrew and remove the crankshaft pulley bolt. To prevent the crankshaft turning while the bolt is being released, jam the teeth of the starter ring gear on the flywheel after removing the clutch cover plate or starter motor (Chapter 5, Part A) for access.
4 Remove the crankshaft pulley. This should come out using the hands but if it is tight, prise it carefully with two levers placed at opposite sides under the pulley flange.
5 Using a suitable claw tool, prise out the defective seal and wipe out the seat.
6 Install the new seal using a suitable distance piece, the pulley and its bolt to draw it into position. If it is tapped into position, the seal may be distorted or the timing cover fractured.
7 When the seal is fully seated, remove the pulley and bolt, apply grease to the seal rubbing surface of the pulley, install it and tighten the securing bolt to the specified torque.
8 Refit the clutch cover or starter motor.
9 Fit and tension the drivebelt as described in Chapter 1, and reconnect the battery.
See also:
Engine/transmission mountings - removal and refitting
Pre-1986 models
1 The engine mountings can be removed if
the weight of the engine/transmission is first
taken by one of the three following methods.
2 Either support the engine under the sump
usi ...
Minor body damage - repair
Note: For more detailed information about
bodywork repair, Haynes Publishing produce
a book by Lindsay Porter called ”The Car
Bodywork Repair Manual”. This incorporates
information on such aspects ...
Engine/manual gearbox assembly - reconnection and refitting
1 Reverse the procedure described in Section
11, noting the following points.
2 Before attempting to reconnect the engine
to the gearbox, check that the clutch friction
disc is centralised. This i ...