Rear anti-roll bar (Saloon, Hatchback and Estate models) - removal and refitting

1 Loosen the rear roadwheel nuts, chock the front wheels, jack up the rear of the vehicle and support on axle stands placed under the side members.

2 Prise off the straps which connect the anti-roll bar to the suspension lower arms (see illustration).

17.2 Anti-roll bar-to-lower arm connecting strap
17.2 Anti-roll bar-to-lower arm connecting strap

3 Unbolt the two securing brackets from the underbody, and remove the anti-roll bar (see illustration).

17.3 Anti-roll bar-to-underbody securing bracket
17.3 Anti-roll bar-to-underbody securing bracket

4 The connecting straps can be prised from the ends of the anti-roll bar, and the underbody mounting brackets and rubbers, which are of a split design, can be pulled off.

5 When fitting new mounting components, lubricate the rubber parts with soapy water to ease assembly.

6 Refitting is a reversal of removal. Tighten the anti-roll bar-to-underbody securing bolts to the specified torque.

    See also:

    Cylinder head - removal and refitting (engine removed)
    Note: The cylinder head bolts must always be renewed after slackening, and a new cylinder head gasket and camshaft cover gasket must be used on refitting. If the engine has recently run, the cylin ...

    Steering column - removal and refitting
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    Automatic transmission brake band adjustment (Every 24 000 miles (40 000 km) or 2 years)
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