Automatic transmission selector mechanism check (Every 12 000 miles or 12 months)
Carry out a thorough road test, ensuring that all gearchanges occur smoothly without snatching, and without an increase in engine speed between changes. Check that all gear positions can be engaged with the appropriate movement of the selector lever, and with the vehicle at rest. Check the operation of the parking pawl when “P” is selected.
See also:
Diagram 4: 1983-on K-Jetronic fuel injection
Diagram 4: 1983-on K-Jetronic fuel injection For starting and charging
circuits see Diagram 1 ...
Auxiliary warning system components - removal and refitting
1 This system monitors the fluid levels and
front brake pads for excessive wear. In the
event of a fluid level dropping below the
specified level, or the brake pads wearing
down to the mi ...
Positions of the ignition
1. LOCK, locks the steering wheel,
gearshift lever (automatic transaxle
only) and allows key removal. On
vehicles with a manual transaxle
push the key in while turning t ...