Tailgate wiper motor - removal and refitting
1 Disconnect the battery and remove the
wiper arm/blade assembly.
2 Remove the pivot shaft nut, spacer and outer seals.
3 Open the tailgate and remove the trim panel (refer to Chapter 11).
4 Release the earth lead and unscrew the two, or on later models, three wiper motor mounting bolts (see illustration).
19.4 Tailgate wiper motor retaining bolts (arrowed)
5 Disconnect the multi-pin plug and remove the motor from the tailgate.
6 Take off the pivot shaft seal, spacer and bracket from the motor.
7 Refit by reversing the removal operations.
See also:
Coolant pump - removal and refitting
1 Disconnect the battery negative lead.
2 Drain the cooling system.
3 Proceed as follows according to model:
SOHC models
4 Disconnect the heater and radiator bottom
hoses from the coolant pump.
Crankshaft and bearings - examination and renovation
1 Examine the bearing surfaces of the
crankshaft for scratches or scoring and, using
a micrometer, check each journal and
crankpin for ovality. Where this is found to be
in excess of 0.0254 mm (0. ...
Ignition system component check (Every 6000 miles or 6 months)
1 Where applicable, remove the distributor
cap and thoroughly clean it inside and out
with a dry lint-free cloth. Examine the four HT
lead segments inside the cap. If the segments
appear badly bur ...