Radiator fan thermal switch - testing, removal and refitting
1 The thermal switch is located on the side of
the thermostat housing on early OHV engine
models and in the thermostat housing cover
on later OHV versions. On all CVH engines, the
switch is located in the thermostat housing. If
the operation of the radiator fan is suspect, the
thermal switch may be tested as follows.
2 Disconnect the wiring plug and bridge the two plug terminals with a length of wire or suitable metal object. The fan should now operate with the ignition switched on. If it does, the thermal switch is proved faulty and must be renewed. If the fan still does not operate, check the appropriate fuses, wiring and connections. If these are satisfactory it is likely that the fan motor itself is faulty.
Note: A new sealing washer will be required
on refitting.
3 To renew the thermal switch wait until the engine is cold, then remove the pressure cap on the thermostat housing or expansion tank as applicable.
4 Place a container beneath the thermostat housing to collect the small amount of coolant that will be released when the switch is removed.
5 Disconnect the wiring plug and unscrew the switch from its location.
6 Using a new sealing washer, refit and
tighten the switch securely. Fit the wiring plug
and top-up the system as described in
Chapter 1.
See also:
Engine - refitting (automatic transmission in vehicle)
1 Reverse the procedure described in
Section 9, noting the following points.
2 Check that the engine adapter plate is
correctly positioned on its locating dowels.
3 As the torque converter is only ...
Fuel filter renewal - fuel injection engines (Every 24 000
miles or 2 Years)
Warning: This procedure may
result in some fuel spillage. Before
carrying out any operation on the
fuel system refer to the
precautions given in Safety First! at the
beginning of this manual and ...
Rear axle tube (Van models) - removal and refitting
1 Raise the rear of the vehicle and support it
on stands (see “Jacking and Vehicle
Support”). Remove the rear roadwheels.
2 Support the axle tube on a jack preferably
of trolley type.
3 ...