Rear suspension front mounting (Saloon, Hatchback and Estate models) - renewal
1 Chock the front wheels, jack up the rear of the vehicle and support on axle stands placed under the side members.
2 Unscrew and remove the three bolts securing the relevant front guide plate to the underbody and the suspension crossmember.
Where applicable, bend back the lockwasher tab(s) on the larger bolt.
3 Using a length of wood, lever the suspension crossmember downwards a few inches from the underbody, and insert the wood as a wedge.
4 Using a tool similar to the Ford special tool shown (see illustration), or a long bolt with nut, washers and a suitable metal tube, pull the mounting rubber from the crossmember.
15.4 Ford special tool 15-014 for removing rear suspension front mounting
5 Lubricate the new mounting rubber with soapy water, and use the tool described in the previous paragraph to press the rubber into the crossmember.
6 Further refitting is a reversal of removal.
Where applicable, secure the larger front guide plate bolt by bending up the lockwasher tab(s).
See also:
Windscreen wiper motor and linkage - removal and refitting
1 Remove the wiper arms and blades as
described in Section 17.
2 Disconnect the battery negative terminal.
3 Remove the nut covers, the fixing nuts,
washers and spacers from the pivot sha ...
Roadwheel check (Every 12 000 miles or 12 months)
Check the wheel rims for distortion,
damage and excessive run-out. Also make
sure that the balance weights are secure with
no obvious signs that any are missing.
Check the torque of the wheel bolt ...
Valve clearance adjustment - OHV and HCS engines (Every 12 000
miles or 12 months)
OHV engines
1 This operation should be carried out with
the engine cold and the air cleaner and rocker
cover removed.
2 Using a ring spanner or socket on the
crankshaft pulley bolt, turn the cran ...