Airflow meter - removal and refitting
Note: A tachometer and an exhaust gas analyser will be required to check the idle mixture on completion.
1 Disconnect the battery negative lead.
2 Depress the locking clip on the airflow meter wiring plug and disconnect the plug.
Pull on the plug, not the wiring.
3 Loosen the securing clip and disconnect the air inlet hose from the airflow meter.
4 Release the four securing clips and lift off the air cleaner lid with the airflow meter.
5 Remove the four securing bolts and separate the airflow meter from the air cleaner lid (see illustration). Recover the seal.
15.5 Airflow meter-to-air cleaner lid bolts (arrowed)
6 Refitting is a reversal of removal, ensuring that the seal is correctly located on the air cleaner lid, and that the air inlet hose clip is correctly aligned (see illustration).
15.6 Air intake hose clip correctly aligned
7 On completion, check and if necessary adjust the idle mixture.
See also:
Underbonnet lamp - removal, refitting and bulb renewal
1 Disconnect the battery negative lead.
Removal and refitting
2 Detach the wiring connector at the left-hand
bonnet hinge, and attach a length of string to
the end of the wire running from the lam ...
Radiator grille panel - removal and refitting
Models up to 1987
1 With the bonnet raised, remove the four
grille panel securing screws from the top of
the front panel.
2 Lift the grille panel from its lower mounting
bushes, and withdraw it f ...
Examination and renovation
1 Clean all components using paraffin and a
stiff brush, except the crankshaft, which
should be wiped clean and the oil passages
cleaned out with a length of wire.
2 Never assume that a component ...