Rear seat catch - removal and refitting
Saloon models
1 Working in the luggage compartment,
release the seat catch by pulling the release
knob, or if the cable is broken, use a
screwdriver to release the catch itself.
2 Fold the backrest forwards into the passenger compartment and remove the two screws shown (see illustration).
48.2 Rear seat catch fixings - Saloon models
A Remove the securing screws B Withdraw the cover and catch
3 Detach the cover and then remove the catch from the body.
4 Disconnect the release cable and sheath from the catch.
5 Refitting is a reversal of removal, but on completion check the catch for correct operation, and if necessary adjust the position of the striker on the seat backrest to achieve satisfactory engagement with the catch.
Hatchback and Estate models
Low specification
6 Release the seat catch by pulling the
release knob, and fold the backrest forwards
into the passenger compartment.
7 Unscrew the release knob from the top of the seat backrest.
8 Carefully pull the edge of the seat cover from the flange on the seat backrest, then pull the backrest cushion away from the seat panel to gain access to the catch (see illustration).
48.8 Pull back the seat cover to expose the rear seat catch securing bolts -
“low spec.” Hatchback and Estate models
9 Remove the catch assembly by unscrewing the two securing bolts.
10 Refitting is a reversal of removal, but on completion check the catch for correct operation, and if necessary adjust the position of the striker to achieve satisfactory engagement with the catch.
High specification
11 Release the seat catch and fold the
backrest forwards into the passenger
12 Remove the rear parcel shelf for improved access, then remove the screws and withdraw the cover for access to the catch.
13 Unscrew the two bolts securing the catch to the bracket on the rear wheel arch (see illustration).
48.13 Rear seat catch assembly - “high specification” Hatchback model
14 Using a small screwdriver, push out the pin securing the link rod to the catch, then withdraw the catch.
15 If required, lift the release lever, push out the securing pin and remove the link rod. The lever can be removed by drilling out the two securing rivets from the parcel shelf support.
16 Refitting is a reversal of removal, but where applicable fit new rivets using a hand riveter to secure the release lever. On completion check the operation of the catch and if necessary adjust the position of the striker to achieve satisfactory engagement with the catch.
See also:
Alternator drivebelt check (Every 6000 miles or 6 months)
1 A conventional vee drivebelt is used to
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being transmitted via a pul ...
Fluid reservoir (ABS) - removal and refitting
Note: New seals must be used between the
reservoir and the hydraulic unit on reassembly.
Caution: Refer to the
precautions in Section 1.
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2 Depress ...
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is switched on. Unless the engine is started,
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