Handbrake lever - removal and refitting

1 Chock the rear wheels, jack up the front of the vehicle and support on axle stands.

Release the handbrake. Disconnect the battery negative lead.

2 Slacken the handbrake cable adjuster.

3 Extract the securing circlip and pivot pin, and detach the handbrake equaliser from the linkage on the underbody (see illustration).

29.3 Handbrake equaliser and linkage on underbody
29.3 Handbrake equaliser and linkage on underbody

4 Working inside the vehicle, remove the handbrake lever rubber gaiter and/or the centre console, as necessary.

5 Disconnect the wiring connector from the handbrake “on” warning switch.

6 Unscrew the two handbrake lever mounting bolts, and carefully lift the lever through the underfloor gaiter.

7 If required, the handbrake “on” warning switch can be removed.

8 Refitting is a reversal of removal, but on completion, adjust the handbrake cable.

Brake pedal - removal and refitting

1 Remove the clutch pedal as described in Chapter 6.

2 Extract the inboard circlip from the brake pedal end of the pivot shaft (see illustration).

30.2 Extract the inboard circlip (arrowed) to remove the pedal pivot shaft
30.2 Extract the inboard circlip (arrowed) to remove the pedal pivot shaft

3 The brake pedal can now be removed from the pedal bracket by sliding out the pivot shaft, noting the position of any washers and spacers which may be fitted.

4 If desired, the nylon bushes can be prised from each side of the pedal for renewal, and the brake lamp switch removed.

5 Refitting is a reversal of removal, fitting any washers and spacers in their original positions. Refit the clutch pedal.

    See also:

    Steering column - removal and refitting
    Removal 1 Set the front wheels in the straight-ahead position. 2 Disconnect the battery negative lead. 3 Remove the driver’s side lower facia trim panels. 4 Remove the screws and withdraw the s ...

    Examination and renovation
    1 Clean all components using paraffin and a stiff brush, except the crankshaft, which should be wiped clean and the oil passages cleaned out with a length of wire. 2 Never assume that a component ...

    Door window regulator - removal and refitting
    Removal 1 Remove the door inner trim panel. 2 Where necessary for improved access, peel back the waterproof plastic sheet from the door. 3 Lower the window until the lower support channel is vis ...