Engine mountings - renewal
1 The engine mountings incorporate hydraulic dampers and must be renewed if excessive engine movement is evident.
2 Working in the engine compartment, unscrew the central nuts securing the engine mounting brackets to the tops of the mountings. Recover the washers.
3 Apply the handbrake, jack up the front of the vehicle and support on axle stands (see “Jacking and Vehicle Support”).
4 Working underneath the vehicle, remove the central nuts securing the mountings to the crossmember. Recover the washers.
5 Raise the engine using a suitable hoist and lifting tackle attached to the engine lifting brackets on the cylinder head, or a jack and interposed block of wood under the sump, until the mountings can be withdrawn.
6 Fit the new mountings, then lower the engine onto them. Note that the locating pins on the mountings must engage with the corresponding holes in the engine mounting brackets (see illustration).
16.6 Locating pin on mounting must engage with hole (arrowed) in engine
mounting bracket
7 Fit the nuts and washers securing the mountings to the crossmember and tighten the nuts.
8 Lower the vehicle to the ground and fit the nuts and washers securing the engine mounting brackets to the mountings. Tighten the nuts.
See also:
Air cleaner element renewal (Every 24 000 miles or 2 Years)
Carburettor and Central Fuel
Injection (CFI) models
1 To remove the air cleaner lid undo and
remove the retaining screws or bolts on the
top face of the lid (see illustrations).
34.1a Removing ...
Seat belts - removal and refitting
Front seat belt stalk
1 Remove the front seat.
2 Detach the seat belt stalk from the seat by
removing the two Torx screws.
3 Refitting is a reversal of removal.
Front seat belt assembly
4 Where ...
Turbocharger - general description
Escort RS Turbo models are equipped with
an exhaust driven turbocharger, which is a
device designed to increase the engine’s
power output without increasing exhaust
emissions or adversely affectin ...