Crankshaft front oil seal - renewal
Note: A suitable puller will be required to remove the crankshaft pulley. A new crankshaft pulley bolt, and a new lower timing chain cover gasket, must be used on refitting.
1 The crankshaft front oil seal is located in the lower timing chain cover.
2 If the engine is in the car, carry out the
following operations:
a) Disconnect the battery negative lead.
b) To improve access, remove the radiator. It will be difficult to remove the crankshaft pulley with the radiator in place.
c) On fuel injection models, remove the air inlet hose, plenum chamber, and air cleaner lid as an assembly.
3 Proceed as described in paragraphs 3 to 8 of Section 15.
4 With the lower timing chain cover removed, prise the old oil seal from the cover using a screwdriver, and drive in the new seal using a suitable metal tube. Make sure that the seal lip faces into the engine. Take care not to damage the timing chain cover.
5 Refit the lower timing chain cover as described in paragraphs 31 to 39 of Section 15.
6 If the engine is in the vehicle, reverse the operations given in paragraph 2.
See also:
Throttle valve control motor (1.6 and 1.8 litre (R6A type) CVH) - removal
and refitting
1.6 litre
1 Disconnect the battery negative lead.
2 Remove the air cleaner.
3 Disconnect the wiring connectors from the
throttle valve control motor, and the throttle
position sensor, pulling on ...
Sunroof components - removal, refitting and adjustment
Sunroof panel
1 To remove this type of glass panel, pull the
sun blind into the open position and have the
sliding roof closed.
2 Wind the sliding roof handle in an anticlockwise
directi ...
Engine - refitting (manual gearbox in vehicle)
1 Reverse the procedure described in
paragraphs 1 to 40, Section 5, noting the
following points.
2 Before attempting to refit the engine, check
that the clutch friction disc is centralised.
3 Che ...