Compression test
1 When engine performance is poor, or if misfiring occurs which cannot be attributed to the ignition or fuel system, a compression test can provide diagnostic clues. If the test is performed regularly it can give warning of trouble before any other symptoms become apparent.
2 The engine must be at operating temperature, the battery must be fully charged and the spark plugs must be removed. The services of an assistant will also be required.
3 Disable the ignition system by disconnecting the coil LT feed. Fit the compression tester to No 1 spark plug hole.
(The type of tester which screws into the spark plug hole is to be preferred.) 4 Have the assistant hold the throttle wide open and crank the engine on the starter.
Record the highest reading obtained on the compression tester.
5 Repeat the test on the remaining cylinders, recording the pressure developed in each.
6 Desired pressures are given in the Specifications. If the pressure in any cylinder is low, introduce a teaspoonful of clean engine oil into the spark plug hole and repeat the test.
7 If the addition of oil temporarily improves the compression pressure, this indicates that bore, piston or piston ring wear was responsible for the pressure loss. No improvement suggests that leaking or burnt valves, or a blown head gasket, may be to blame.
8 A low reading from the two adjacent cylinders is almost certainly due to the head gasket between them having blown.
9 On completion of the test, refit the spark plugs and reconnect the coil LT feed.
Major operations possible with the engine in the vehicle
The following operations can be carried out
without removing the engine from the vehicle:
a) Removal and servicing of the cylinder
b) Removal of the camshaft after removal of
the cylinder head
c) Removal of the timing belt and sprockets
d) Removal of the sump
e) Removal of the oil pump
f) Removal of the pistons and connecting
g) Removal of the big-end bearings
h) Removal of the engine mountings
i) Removal of the clutch and flywheel
j) Removal of crankshaft front and rear oil
k) Removal of the auxiliary shaft
Major operations requiring engine removal
The following operations can only be carried
out after removing the engine from the
a) Removal of the crankshaft main bearings
b) Removal of the crankshaft
See also:
Rear brake shoe lining check (Every 6000 miles or 6 months)
1 Due to the fact that the rear brake drums
are combined with the hubs, which makes
removal of the drums more complicated than
is the case with detachable drums, inspection
of the shoe linings can ...
Crankshaft front oil seal - renewal
1 Disconnect the battery negative lead.
2 Slacken the alternator mounting and
adjuster bolts and after pushing the alternator
in towards the engine, slip off the drivebelt.
3 Unscrew and remove th ...
Front hub carrier - removal and refitting
Note: A balljoint separator tool will be
required for this operation.
1 Loosen the relevant front roadwheel nuts,
apply the handbrake, jack up the front of the
vehicle and support on axle ...